The Hydrogen Future.

Our world is constantly changing, and at H2X Global, we don’t anyone left behind in our quest to leave more behind for our future generations. Our goal is simple, to provide you with a cleaner, more efficient vehicle to keep you and your family doing the things they love now, and into the distant future.

The Problem
Transportation accounts for 24% of global CO2 emissions annually. Finding a new zero solution is vital to limit global warning.

Why is this a problem?
Whilst corporations make up the vast majority of emissions harming our planet, we can make an impact too by switching to environmentally conscious fuel sources. With everyone owning a personal vehicle and opting to use it over public transport, the numbers add up quickly.

How does Hydrogen change that?
Taking the power of combustion and replacing the fuel source from gasoline to Hydrogen provides one major important change in addition to several smaller beneficial ones and that major one is output. The output from a combustion reaction involving hydrogen results in a clean emission of H20.

Government Response
The Paris Agreement commits to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Individual countries have legislated various plans to achieve this target.

Battery EVs
Provide a zero emission transport solution but possess significant drawbacks curtailing universal adoption.

Why is this a problem?
The main issue with EV’s is the same thing that makes them attractive. The battery. These batteries hold a limited charge and eventually live out their usefulness needing to be replaced. The batteries themselves are made with lithium which whilst powerful, has a detrimental effect on the environment when they must eventually be put to landfill. Furthermore, the battery is only as green as the source that powers it. So if the powerbank is getting their power from burning fossil fuels in the first place, we have merely put petrol in our care by proxy.

How does Hydrogen change that?
By switching to hydrogen, the engine remains permanently and the hydrogen can be nearly endless refilled to provide power to the engine. No excess emissions required and merely h20 as a byproduct.
Superior Energy Density
Hydrogen is the most energy dense molecule in the universe at 147 MJ/kg in comparison lithium batteries hold 0.5 MJ/kg. This enables lighter vehicles and higher haulage capacity.

How will that assist the environment and transport?
The air to fuel ratio created by this density is much more efficient than the standard. The highest ratio in a gasoline engine sits at 37.1:1. When compared with an Air to Fuel ratio of 180:1, it is easy to see why the engines start quicker and have an increased fuel efficiency.

Faster Refueling
Hydrogen vehicles can be refuelled materially quicker than BEVs making them more suitable for commercial applications where high asset utilisation is important. How is this convenient? By now most people are used to filling up at a tank. With hydrogen engines, we need not switch or methodolgy and thinking to having to charge avehicle for a set amount of time. Instead, the hydrogen is pumped in much the same as you would already pump petrol into your car.

Lower Mineral Intensity
Hydrogen fuel cells are less mineral intensive than batteries resulting in less critical mineral mining, a materially longer useful life, and simpler recyclability.

How is this convenient?
Hydrogen Fuel cells are not only made from less mineral intensive materials in regards to environmental impact, but are also powered through non-harmful renewable power generators such as solar , geo-thermal and wind turbines.

When looking to the future the answer is as clear as our byproduct. A hydrogen vehicle or fleet of hyrogen vehicles will lighten each of our footprints and help to preserve the Earth for our future generations, whilst protecting and providing for our current ones.