How Strategic Collaborations Drive H2X’s Growth

How Strategic Collaborations Drive H2X’s Growth

At H2X, we have recognised from the outset the multiplier effect of collaboration. When H2X technology and expertise align with the right mix of private and government partnerships, our ambitious goals of delivering world-leading hydrogen powered electric vehicles not only become possible but accelerated.

H2X’s strategic alliances with industry leaders across Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, Spain, South Korea, and other countries have enabled us to transition into producing zero-emission vehicles far more quickly and at reduced costs than we could achieve on our own.

Investor and Government Networks

Barclay Pearce Capital have helped us establish a strong presence in the Australian investor community. Participation in events like the Australian Investment Summit in London, combined with support from Austrade, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Business Sweden, and Business Region Gothenburg, continue to amplify H2X’s voice on a global platform.

Technology and Business Partnerships

Our success is built on the strength of our products, made possible through strategic partnerships with technology leaders. Toyota, for example, is a key partner, providing not just fuel cells but also a shared vision for a sustainable future. Together, we are expanding the hydrogen electric market and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in zero emission transportation.

Advancing Engineering and Production

H2X’s strategic alignment with leading engineers in the Netherlands has been crucial, particularly in the development of our Hydrogen powered Warrego 4x4x and other 3.5 and 18-ton trucks, the Paroo and Yarra. This collaboration also underscores our micro-factory approach, focusing on low-volume production that scales as demand grows, enabling H2X to enter production faster and more cost-effectively.

Research Collaborations

Collaboration is at the heart of innovation. H2X proudly participates in groundbreaking research initiatives such as the “From Fossil to Electromobility (Ff2E)” project with the Swedish institute RISE. These partnerships provide platforms for sharing knowledge, fostering innovation, and achieving results that would be impossible without cooperation.

Developing New Platforms for the Future

Innovation is about preparing for the future. Through our collaboration with KTM Technologies in Austria, we have designed the next generation of hydrogen electric vehicles, focusing on sustainability from the ground up, with a hydrogen drivetrain and minimal environmental impact during production. Additionally, our manufacturing partnership with a leading South Korean hydrogen tank manufacturer ensures access to the highest quality components, further enhancing our technological edge.

Committed to a Collaborative Future

H2X is continually seeking new collaborations and partnerships to accelerate zero emission vehicles to the market. We recognise that adopting new technologies is a journey that requires both innovation and collaboration. This is why we place such high value on our strategic partnerships and remain committed to exploring new opportunities to drive progress.

CEO’s Insight

“H2X’s vision for the future is clear, and our partnerships are the driving force behind it. By working together with our partners, we achieve what seemed impossible alone.” Antony Tolfts, Chief Executive Officer of H2X Global Limited.

About H2X Global
Zero emissions, extended driving ranges, and 5-minute refuelling times—H2X Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles set the standard for commercial transportation. Offering the world’s only hydrogen-powered 4×4, H2X is at the forefront of the future of transportation.

H2X – Improve Earth.

H2X Global Supports Estonian Solaride Team in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge Across Australia

H2X Global Supports Estonian Solaride Team in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge Across Australia

H2X Global is pleased to announce our strategic support for the Solaride team from Estonia as they participate in the 2024/2025 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge across Australia. As the solar-powered vehicle competes across Australia from Darwin to Adelaide, H2X is proud to provide essential support vehicles, backing a team that exemplifies innovation and the drive for sustainable transportation.

As an Australian automotive company, H2X Global is committed to supporting initiatives that align with our mission of advancing non-fossil fuel transportation and harnessing the vast potential of renewable energy. Our collaboration with Solaride underscores this shared vision and our dedication to pioneering zero emission transport solutions.

At H2X Global, we are inspired by projects that challenge conventional technologies and foster a passion for engineering in the next generation. As a Bronze Sponsor of the Solaride team, we view this partnership not just as a sponsorship, but as an investment in the future of engineering and clean transport. Solaride’s commitment to addressing the decline in engineering interest by providing students with high-tech skills and hands-on experience is a cause we wholeheartedly support. Through this collaboration, we aim to bridge nations and cultures, inspiring young engineers to lead the future of sustainable transportation innovation.

Our CEO, Antony Tolfts, stated, “Supporting the Solaride 2024/2025 project is an opportunity to inspire the next generation of engineers. We’re passionate about nurturing young talent and supporting their ambitions to create sustainable and eco-friendly transport solutions. We look forward to welcoming future innovators from initiatives like Solaride into the H2X Global family.

For over 30 years, the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge has united the brightest minds globally to advance technological innovation. As a leader in hydrogen-electric vehicles, H2X is proud to contribute to the journey towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

We invite you to stay updated as we follow Solaride’s progress through the Australian outback. Together, let’s celebrate the innovation and determination that will shape the future of global transportation.

For more on Solaride:

#Solaride #BridgestoneWorldSolarChallenge #CleanTransport #Sustainability

About H2X Global
Zero emissions, extended driving ranges, and 5-minute refuelling times—H2X Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles set the standard for commercial transportation. Offering the world’s only hydrogen-powered 4×4, H2X is at the forefront of the future of transportation.

H2X – Improve Earth.

7th H2X CEO Letter: 4 September 2024

Dear Shareholders, Investors, Colleagues, Customers, and Partners,

Opening of Rights Issue

This week, H2X Global launched a rights issue to raise up to AUD $5.3 million. This raise is an important part of our strategic plan to complete production of our next wave of vehicles: the second Warrego, the first Paroo, and two Yarra 18-tonne trucks. In addition, these funds will support our associated IPO costs.

We appreciate the trust and confidence our shareholders have placed in H2X. By commencing this round with a rights issue, we are intentionally prioritising our existing shareholders before considering any shortfall placements. We encourage shareholders to consider this investment opportunity.

To provide further insights into our plans and answer any questions, we would like to invite you to an investor update at 1 pm (Sydney time) on Friday, 6 September 2024. Please email Michelle Reynolds at [email protected] for the call details.

For more detailed information on the rights issue, please refer to the offer material and consult with your financial adviser.

Delivering on Our Promises

Our previous capital raise enabled H2X to build the first production Warrego, the world’s only available hydrogen-powered 4×4. This vehicle is now in the final stages of roadworthy accreditation with the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW) and we anticipate delivery to Renova this month.

The current capital raise is designed to fund the retrofit of the remaining vehicles under our initial contract with Renova. The donor vehicles are ready and, subject to funding, we aim to accelerate production by retrofitting vehicles in parallel. We want to have all three of H2X’s current models on the road by the end of this calendar year.

Preparing for the Future

Another significant portion of the funds raised will be allocated to cover associated IPO costs. Listing on a global exchange would further strengthen our financial foundation and allow our ordering inventory in more economic order quantities, ultimately increasing gross margin. Additionally, H2X’s meeting the rigorous disclosure and governance requirements of a listed company would serve as a quality stamp on the H2X brand in the eyes of potential customers.

Over the past seven months, the board and I have been diligently preparing H2X to operate as a publicly listed company. We have implemented governance practices and strengthened our corporate culture to align with the standards expected of a listed company.

Our commitment to transparency and communication was demonstrated at our last AGM, and we are dedicated to maintaining this standard in our investor relations. The next AGM pack, which will include our audited financials up to 30 June 2024, is scheduled for distribution later this month. H2X Global’s third AGM, expected to be held next month, will provide an important platform for shareholders to engage with our vision. I encourage all shareholders to participate, either by attending or voting—I look forward to welcoming you to this meeting.

Looking Ahead

To further enhance our strategic positioning, we are considering the addition of a new board member with European automotive experience, we will keep shareholders informed about our progress.

Closing Remarks

I would like to continue to express my gratitude for our investor support and trust as we develop H2X into a global leader in hydrogen-powered transportation.

Antony Tolfts
CEO, H2X Global

About H2X Global
Zero emissions, extended driving ranges, and 5-minute refuelling times—H2X Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles set the standard for commercial transportation. Offering the world’s only hydrogen-powered 4×4, H2X is at the forefront of the future of transportation.

H2X – Improve Earth.